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imri al-kays

Oh, it's such a long and dark night! Please go away so that the morning can come. Even though the morning won't be any better than the night!


imri al-kays

He was a famous poet from before the time of Islam. He grew up as a shepherd and later went to Istanbul to ask the Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian for help against a tribe that had received help from Iran. He stayed there for a while and then died near Ankara. His poems were so good that they were hung on the wall of the Kaaba, a holy place in Islam, after a competition. He was one of seven great poets whose poems were put on the wall of the Kaaba and called the Muallakat Us Seba. His poems were about bravery, nature, events, love, and joy.


imri al-kays

Imri³'l-kays wrote some special speeches called eulogies. Google scanned and shared these eulogies and their Latin translations. You can read them at the website http://www.gereklitarama.com/à1/09/imriul-kays.html.


imri al-kays

The great Arab poet was one of the most famous poets of all time.


imri al-kays

You can find more information about Imru'l-kays at the website http://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imru³'l-kays.


imri al-kays

A mother is nursing her baby while her child is crying. She turns to him and offers her breast to feed him. She is so devoted to her child that she can't bear to be away from him.

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